Exclusive Player Service provides high-net-worth sports gamblers professional services
Professional VIP Services for Sports Gamblers
Initial Inquiry
With a brief e-mail exchange and/or five minute phone call, it is easy to determine if an inquirer qualifies to be client of Exclusive Player Services. Many high-net-worth gamblers that inquire do not qualify due to the jurisdiction they’re a residence of or due to complications related to their citizenship.
EPS Fee: Free of Charge
Client Qualification
A one hour video or telephone call to discuss your sports wagering service needs and then translate them into an objective plan that can help you meet your personal goals. EPS is well equipped to help you understand international sports betting logistics and whether it is right for you.
EPS Fee: EURO 200 Due in advance of service delivery
Introduction & Strategic Consulting
You will be introduced to VIP representatives from at least 3, and as many as 5, different international bookmakers depending on your qualifications. Each sportsbook representative will present you with VIP- player- account options for consideration.
Then, Exclusive Player Services will counsel you through a due diligence process where together, we will assess all of the VIP player account options offered by each bookmaker and measure them against your wagering needs as well as your personal goals.
EPS Fee: EURO 2,000. Due in advance of service delivery
Client Placement
Client Placement is considered complete upon your notification to Exclusive Player Services that you have selected at least one of the bookmakers EPS introduced you to and said bookmaker opened a VIP customer account per your terms and approval.
EPS Fee: EURO 3,000. Payment of the EPS “Client Placement Service Fee” is not dependant on any monies being deposited in to the above mentioned VIP customer account.
Initial Inquiry
For up to one year after placement, Exclusive Player Services will assist you with any additional questions you may have regarding any of the bookmakers we introduced to you. EPS will also assist you with any issues you require help with related to the sportsbooks we referred you to.
There are 2 reasons why we do this… 1. We at Exclusive Player Service need to continuously monitor the quality of the recommendations we make and work hard to ensure high standards in service are maintained by all bookmakers we recommend. 2. Be available to ensure that any miscommunications or misunderstandings never lead to client dissatisfaction or disputes.